The following is our Kindred Culture CODE OF CONDUCT. This is a guideline to appropriate behaviour and a set of principles that is expected from our staff, volunteers, and participants while working, volunteering, or participating, at Kindred Culture Headquarters or at any of the Kindred Culture events.
1. I will respect myself and hold myself accountable to my actions.
2. I will respect others and those around me and understand my actions can affect others.
3. I will respect the authorities appointed by Kindred Culture and will follow the policies, guidelines, procedures, and any directions given from staff, leaders, and others in charge.
4. I will respect the physical spaces I am in and will not damage or destroy any physical property or equipment.
5. I will encourage myself to keep a positive attitude while participating at a Kindred Culture program or event.
6. I will encourage others and uplift those around me.
7. I will empower myself to grow and push past my own comfort by taking on challenges and educating myself.
8. I will empower and help equip others to reach their goals and potential. I will believe the best in people.
9. I will play a healthy role in making sure our community is safe and flourishing.
10. I understand that everyone is on a journey and will be sensitive to people's struggles.
11. I will not shame, harass, or abuse others in my community.
12. I will be the change I want to see in making our world a better place.